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Pet Peaves, Rants and Raves

RAVES (as in Reviews)!.... Part 1


Ok Ok, I get it.  While some of you are standing up and saying RIGHT ON to the previous blogs, some have said that all Im doing is complaining.  Since I talk about Peaves, Rants AND Raves, I suppose I should put up some Rave Reviews.  


Since I like men and women both, I think its only fair to give them each thier own time in the spotlight.  This time its gonna be all about you men.  Next time I will spotlight the ladies.  Sound fair?


Men... once again Im at a loss as to where to start about all I the ways I love men.  I love how a man can get that special look in his eyes and instantly Im wet, willing and ready.  I love how a man can give a naughty smile and beckon me with one finger.  Especially when I know that as soon as Im within reach, that one finger is going to be touching me in all the right places.  I love how a man can wrap me in his arms and make me feel safe while hes whispering in my ear, telling me all the naughty things hes going to do to me.  I love being pressed up against a mans body, feeling how ready he is, while his hands and mouth explore.  I love being undressed by a man and having him stop to say "I need you".  Or having him nibble that one special spot on my neck that makes my knees go weak.  I love being naked and in bed, feeling the weight of a man on top of me.  Knowing how we are going to finish up but not knowing everything that will lead up to that point.  How about running my hands all over his chest, running my nails across his ass or putting a soft cock in my mouth and working it with tongue and lips until its hard and I get to know how he tastes.  I love the control I have over a man while I have his cock in my mouth.  Knowing that I can delay or accelorate his pleasure with a lick here, or by how fast I work him. I love how a man can use his mouth or fingers all over my body to work me into a frenzy before filling me up with that wonderful piece of equipment that no woman or toy can duplicate!! And what a turn on it is to run my hands over a sweaty shaved head while he's pumping in and out of me.  Watching the sweat drip down and land on my body.  I love how a man can put all the strength and power of his body behind each and every thrust!  


Annnddd... nothing and I do mean NOTHING beats the feel of a man cumming inside me.  

Frosti 26.04.2012 8 1665
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  •  GuufyGirl: 
    Ok great. Now I am
     26.04.20121 replies1 replies 
    8 points
  •  sd_ziggy: 
    Well now that we have the "soap box" issues done... very good blog... can't wait to read the next one. And how about the "What women want..." section or info page. Yes, I know each woman is different, with different "hot" buttons... but some of the responsibility has to also fall back on the women to tell us men what they like, want and desire. And if your not able to express what you want... then at least tell us what you DO NOT want or what turns you off. This way we are all working on the same play book.

     26.04.20122 replies2 replies 
    8 points
  •  Anonymous: 
    Great blog!!!!! My feelings about men are very similar, but your for more elequent in describing it than I would be. Like your othe blogs.....I loved it!!!!
     26.04.20121 replies1 replies 
    8 points
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wow... what happened here?
26.04.2012 (4701 days ago)
26 votes