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Random thoughts

I sleepy, Im loopy.  I need someplace to just ramble.  If you like it great, if not well thats ok too.  


Im sittin here watchin all those wonderful pics of some great man abs scroll by and its makin me drool.  I like great abs!!  I like shaved heads!  Most of us are here because we like a certain type of woman.  And those of us that fit the criteria are here to let you adore us.  


But not many people ask what the BBW is lookin for in a man.  I mean physically.  I see men here of all shapes, sizes, color and age.  And just like men, women have a preferred "type" of man.  Contrary to popular belief it is not just any man with a "big cock".  


There are definately male body types that will make me sit up and think... "oh fuck me sideways or any way ya want cuz you just made me wet by walkin by".  And there are definately body types that make me go "no thank you!".  BUT, I have a few friends that are soooo not my type, that I would definately go to bed with on personality alone.  Bottom line... personality won me over when their looks didnt.  


So there ya go... sleepy ramblings.  Not bitchin, not goin on about the wonders of men or women.  Just pure ramblings.  I spose you will want to know what MY perferred types are now tho.  Ok, ok fine.  Heres a list altho its not set in stone and the man inside counts most.  This is just a list of things that make me sit up and say hellloooooo!!!!  


shaved heads

chocolate men and women

nice abs

nice eyes

arms that could hold me like a vice

a nice ass.. you know, the kind I just wanna rake my nails across!!


aaannndddd... Im suddenly too tired to think straight with the ab pics scrollin up top.  So Im gonna stop rambling now.  Sleep all well and have some naughty wet dreams!!

Frosti 26.04.2012 1 1337
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  •  Anonymous: 
    you go girl! *smiles*
    4 points
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wow... what happened here?
26.04.2012 (4701 days ago)
26 votes