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Pet Peaves, Rants and Raves

Rants!!!!... Part 1


Oral Sex.... oh where to start.  Guys, I KNOW I am not the norm but please dont try to impress me with telling me that you just wanna go down on me.  And also dont tell me that you can eat pussy for hours.  Honestly, Im gonna be bored and send you packing long before "hours" come into play.  Now now... dont get all butt hurt about this.  I am sure you will all tell me that you didnt actually MEAN hours and hours of nothing but eating pussy.  Im sure you meant that the overall sexual experience would last hours, with several short sessions of licking, sucking and nibbling at my pussy.  But if that is the case, please say so!!


I would love to hear something original.  Tell me about all the things you would do BETWEEN the pussy eating sessions.  Oral is kind of like Hors D'oeuvres... great in small portions.  Enjoy the flavor and sensation.  Roll it around with your tongue, use your fingers and enjoy the different flavors and juices.  By all means, PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD!!  But eventually you need a meal!! Well I do.  I like to fill up with the meat of the meal.  


And dont you just hate when you are eating out and find a hair in your food??  Even at home its gross to find hair in your food.  Lets keep the hair where it belongs people!!  On our heads!  Well for women on our heads, I actually LOVE a man with a shaved head but I will talk about that later in another blog.  


In case you havent read my first blog, please be advised that I would love to hear all about your originality, but AFTER you have shown that you can carry on a normal conversation.  All your originality and talent wont matter if I dont like you enough to let you SHOW me the things you wanna do.  The only way to find out if I like you is to have a conversation or two.... you know, talk.  Chat.  Argue about football.  That sort of thing.  Intelligence TURNS ME THE FUCK ON!!  Mental stimulation is like having the key to the car.  You can have a sweet ride, but all its gonna do is sit in the driveway if you dont have a key.  Unless you know how to hot wire it.  All sweet rides can be hotwired I bet, but you have to know how to get that all important spark.  


So thats my opinion on oral sex.  Of course its all about me being on the receiving end.  If we are talking about me performing the deed, well then that is a whole new topic!!  And probably will be a whole new blog!  But as a teaser, just let me say that Im DAYUMMMM good at my work, probably because I love it so much lol


Kisses, Hugs n Gropes..... Frosti Bitch in SD

Frosti 25.04.2012 4 1740
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  •  1discretedude: 
    I agree 101% with you on the sensuality of intelligence and humor. There's almost nothing that's more attractive to me. But I pause at the description of oral sex as hors d'oevres. There are so many subtle ways to stimulate that it can be an entree unto its own - for me of course. ;)
    1 point
  •  GuufyGirl: 
    Don't stop! beware world, Frosti and I need to hang out sometime!
    5 points
  •  playnicewithme: 
    Well said!
    7 points
  •  Frosti: 
    Awww... thanks lady!! Im kind of having fun with this. I think I might do more!
    7 points
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wow... what happened here?
25.04.2012 (4701 days ago)
27 votes