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Pet Peaves, Rants and Raves

Pet Peaves....


This is just me and not a representation of other women (although Im sure a few would agree), but things you should probably know if you ever hope to get the opportunity to melt me. 


1.  "Greetings"... what is the point of a greeting?  Seriously, if you can find my profile enough to send a greeting, for fucks sake send a message or post something on my wall!!  I know some of you single men have limited email capacity, but that shouldnt stop you from sending a "chat" msg or posting on the wall.  I never reply to a "greeting" but try to keep up with msgs and wall postings.  


2.  Pictures... what is up with having no picture???  Or a picture that is 10 years old?  And altho I do appreciate a nice cock pic, I gotta say that I enjoy putting a face to the font.  Give me SOMETHING to differenciate you from the other guys on here.  Also, just a side note on pictures, I have learned that the majority of people who give one reason after another for NOT putting up a face pic, are people who are married/attached and cheating.  If you arent comfortable with the entire face, give me a nice pic of your eyes, or lips.... just SOMETHING!!!


3.  NEVER Assume!!... I am a bbw and damn proud of it.  Im gonna try to be politically correct here, but knowing me I will fail.  BBW's are NOT desperate!!  I am slut but NOT easy!  LOL  There are a million guys out there who love women like me.  If you approach me with the attitude that you are "all that" or that I desperately need to fuck you, I can guarantee that you will be ignored.  IF you manage to become a play partner for me, THEN you will find out how much of a slut I am.  


4.  Seduce Me!!... Honestly guys (and gals, since I love women also) I have it great at home.  It takes something different and special to be one of my special friends.  Seduce me.... Melt me with kisses.... Do something to set yourself apart from the crowd.  I DO have those special hot buttons that turn me into an instant slut.  Can you find them??  


5.  Pick Up Lines.... *sigh* is it so wrong to want to have a conversation that doesnt start with "wanna fuck" or an all time favorite "you know you want this cock".  This kind of goes back to the seduce me thing.  Make me laugh, seduce me, dont treat me like a cheap piece of meat.  If you want to try a pick up line on me, make it original and new.  


6.  Safety... Im a girl.  Bad things can happen to girls who meet up with random men in private places.  I know (see, once again tryin to be politically correct) that none of you men here on this site are that type of freak, but still... Im a girl.  So, having said that, understand that the first time we meet, it will be in a public setting, we will NOT go to the parking lot and fuck, you will NOT get a bj in the restroom, etc etc etc.  We will meet in public and get to know each other a bit.  IF we BOTH want to take it further, then we can talk about that and set up a time at a later date for play time.  I will admit, that some publically acceptable molesting is perfectly all right if we like each other enough.  Hell, you might even find one of those hot buttons I talked about!


Ok... enough for now. Hopefully Ive made a few of you sit up and say "RIGHT ON!" but Im sure some of you will think that Im a bitch.  I love feed back so let me know what you think.  This is the first blog Ive ever written so play nice lol.


Hugs, Kisses and Gropes... Frosti Bitch in SD

Frosti 24.04.2012 27 2410
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  •  rebelshell: 
    Love, love love it. Made me want to stand, pump my fist and yell yes yes yes!!!!!!
    1 point
  •  Jwhitem7769: 
    All valid points, and well spoken, er written. :)
    1 point
  •  hotnrdy: 
    That is precisely my approach to women. You described my approach perfectly.
    2 points
  •  Curves: 
    Kinda sad this NEEDS to be posted. Sigh.
     15.07.20121 replies1 replies 
    3 points
  •  SteveinNV: 
    Great blog post. I think you really said some important things that lots of guys need to know (not just about you, but about how to treat ladies in general).

    For myself, I have always had more female friends than male in my life and learned a long time ago what is acceptable and what is not. Rule number one for me is respect. No matter what. I have had friends who worked in the adult industry (dancers, etc) and I never treated them as anything less than a lady.
     24.04.20121 replies1 replies 
    6 points
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wow... what happened here?
24.04.2012 (4703 days ago)
24 votes