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Kisses Survival Tactics and Tips

!. Be nice. No one wants to deal with or be around you if you are not. (unless you are me and well I am ridiculous it's because I am foreign..we are meanies ;) lol)


2. Do not say anything about anyone to anyone that you don't want them to eventually hear. The walls have eyes and windows and everyone finds out everything just refer to number one and if something is so major you must complain about up and discuss it with the party or parties in question.


3. Don't be a douche. I mean crap why? When there are so many chances to be an amazing person don't go the route of the douche.


4. Be real or GTFO. My name is Tricia, i can be cranky,rude,and utterly ridiculous, but that is just part of who I am. I am also loyal, fiercely protective of those I love, and someone not to fuck around with. Let people know who and what you are about..don't pretend to be "nice" when you are anything but...people will see through it and eventually dislike you.


5. If you can't say something nice about someone..shut up. No one wants to hear you bash or badmouth other people, especially if it is just because you're being a petty doucher. 

6. This is just a spaceholder because I hate odd numbers. Carry on and fornicate like pinnochio...with no strings attached..unless of course you want strings and in that instance FUCK YES..bondage is lovely. That is all. Thanks ;)

justlQQkin 01.01.2013 5 1800
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  •  andy: 
    And what positive reinforcement do men get when we do those things, be nice, be respectful, etc. We get to be your BFF? Oh brother! Men . .do you ever wonder if you have chemistry with ANY of the women here? I have yet in a year and a half, seen a shout out, where a really nice guy, who may or may not have good looks, did a shout out , and said . ." OMG . .I was so nice and polite to this woman, that she have me come over to make out! Thank you angry women for all the blogs through out the years, on telling me on how to be a good guy! BTW . .any woman who says there are drama, I say it Law Of Attraction . .I have yet to have any drama since I've been on here. As a final note . .if you don't like drama, I mean, if you want a place where everybody is nice and allows a stress-free site . .hang out in BBW Relationships . . you can be there all day and I promise, you won't encounter ANY drama!
     09.01.20131 replies1 replies 
    3 points
  •  GARNET: 
    good gravy gotta love that woman!!! : -)
    5 points
  •  Gilf_Gone_Wild: 
    OMG!!!! I love this blog!! Thank you Tricia!! You nailed it!!!
    4 points
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chat tonight at 8 with guufygirl!
01.01.2013 (4451 days ago)
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