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FULL Disclosure

This is just ME.  MY thoughts, my opinions.  As with all of my other blogs I want to make it clear that I DO NOT speak for others (altho many privately will voice thier agreement).  If you dont agree with my opinions, then PLEASE post that on the blog, convince me why Im wrong.  To me that is the whole point of a blog, to get the conversation and/or debate going.  I HAVE been known to change my opinion about things, but that cant happen if the discussion is not started to begin with.  


Pics... I completely understand why some people are reluctant to put face pics up here.  After all it is a site that is used primarily to find sexual partners, whether for a quick hookup or for a long term FWB situation.  What I do ask is that the person be willing to share a face pic with me, even if it is via private email or sms to my phone.  Its not that I mind a nice cock pic, its that honestly, I wont remember enough about you to differenciate you from everyone else if all I have is a cock pic to look at.  Unless of course you have a tatto or piercings to set yours apart from the others.  So, it has nothing to do with being squimish.  And Im definately not a nun.  I just tend to remember a great smile, or great eyes much more than a great cock.


Conversation... Intelligence turns me on!  Sense of humor turns me on!  Laughter turns me on!  Once again this is just me, but I am rarely turned on by a stranger walking up and saying "wanna fuck?".  Now I have a few friends that can do that, and I will instantly be wet, willing and ready.  After all I AM a naughty slut, but you will notice I said friends.  That means its someone Ive met before, someone I have likely had sex with before.  WHINING and COMPLAINING are NOT conversation.  Neither are a turn on for me.  


Looks...  I have a preferred "type" I like.  I think we all do if we are honest.  After all, if you are a man, you are here because you like curvy women.  An anorexic type body would probably not turn you on.  For ME, if you fit my preferred type it doesnt necessarily mean Im going to have sex with you.  Ive had people who make me wet just lookin at them, but thier personality was such a huge turn off, that I didnt want to be near them, let alone fuck them.  AND... ive had sex with people who were soooo far outside my preferred type it was scary!  But thier personality seduced me and I would gladly play with them again.  So please dont be offended if I say no to your advances.  Its just ME, MY preferences.  Everyone's preferences are different and I promise you that there are others out there waiting eagerly for you to approach them.  


Age...  Again this is just MY preference.  I tend to like guys in that 30-40ish range.  Im sorry guys, but if you look like you could be my uncle, or father, or even grandfather... I just cant go there.  And you younger guys are hot as hell, but if you have to ASK if you are too young, you probably are.  Some younger men have the experience and confidence to know that sometimes it doesnt matter.  And for everyone, even if Im not interested in having sex with you, it doesnt mean we cant be great friends, drinkin buddies, or just hangin at parties together buddies.  


Married... yes, for those of you who cant see my profile, I am married.  Happily.  I have a great and very fulfilling sex life at home.  I dont need to have sex with anyone else.  Hell sometimes I get so much at home that Im too sore for sex with anyone else.  We are however in the "lifestyle" which means that we are allowed to have sex with others.  Its an open relationship which requires a lot of trust, respect and committment.  We also have a 5 year old and 3 companies we own and run.  We are busy, dont be offended if one of us says we just dont have time.  Its true.  But that doesnt mean that we cant schedule time.  Be patient, we are both well worth the wait.  Ladies, I basically handle the hubbies work schedule, so if you want some play time, just give me a buz and I will schedule it in lol.  If you want time with BOTH of us, it is a bit tougher to schedule, but it can be done.  And we ALWAYS love having people join us as a couple.  


Shy... yes I am shy damn it.  PLEASE, approach me when you see me.  Engage me in conversation, give me a hug, etc.  You can even tell me how much you think Im a bitch. LOL.   Please dont assume Im uninterested or cold because I dont come tell you how hot you are.  Its just me!  I CAN promise you that if you ask, I will be honest :)


So hopefully this tells you a bit more about me.  Again... this is only ME, I dont claim to speak for anyone else.  These things are not "rules" as someone said, but just general guidelines on how my head works.  In the interest of FULL disclosure Im willing to argue, debate, expand upon all of this.  I might even change my opinion!!!  And if there is something you would like me to fully disclose, then ASK!!!  Even publically here in the blogs, I'd be more than willing to answer or explain.  


Nibbles, licks and chews...  Frosti

Frosti 07.05.2012 3 2397
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  •  1discretedude: 
    Hey, no fair ladies! Sometimes a guy can be shy too! Ok...reserved. That's more masculine :)
    1 point
  •  Frosti: 
    OK woman.. friday was proof that I AM the shy quiet innocent one!! NOT YOU!! ITS ME... always alllll about me damn it!
    5 points
  •  GuufyGirl: 
    Dammit! I am the shy one. not you! ME ME ME ME!
    5 points
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wow... what happened here?
07.05.2012 (4690 days ago)
26 votes